Title: Two Pollyannas: Beneath the Oil (K9, Book #3)
Author: Nick van der Leek
Publisher: A Shakedown Title
Release Date: November 12, 2018
Genre(s): Family Killer, Filicide
Page Count: 185
Rating: 3.5 stars out of 5
The third in a quickly-written series of books about the Watts family murders, this book contains some interesting commentary and insights into the Watts case.
The author focuses quite a bit on the financial state of the Watts family. Regarding Shan'ann's commitment to selling Thrive: "But to pretend something is working when it's not is something worse than defeat: it's delusion, deception, deceit."
And "We want to shake Shan'ann and say, can't you see what's happening in your life? Can't you see if you don't do something, something terrible to going to happen to you? Please stop. Please just look at your life, for God's sake."
And finally "Unlike Shan'ann with her pretty patches, his [Chris Watts] work was hard and greasy. He muscled his way through engines, loosening and tightening bolts, making broken things fixed, getting motors to power to their full-blown growling, gutteral potential. And that's why he wanted to do: roar."
Overall, I would give the series so far 3.5 stars, as the author has quite a bit of incorrect information, but does provide an interesting viewpoint on the case as this series of book inexorably pulls us along the awful path to family anihilation.