Murder at Minnesota Point

: Murder at Minnesota Point
Author: Jeffrey M. Sauve
Publisher: North Star Editions
Release Date: July 12, 2022
Page Count: 182
Rating: 3.5 stars out of 5

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Jeffrey Sauve, the author of this true crime story about a murder in Duluth before the turn of the century, became captivated by this little-known case and spent years researching and writing Murder at Minnesota Point. 

Throughout the book, the efforts of his research become clear as he gives us a richly detailed story of the murder of Lena Olson and the almost two-year search for her killer. I especially found it amazing that the killer was eventually found, at a time with no forensics or fingerprints, no central repository of information, no photographs. 

Where the book didn't work for me was all the occasional asides and side stories that, while interesting, took focus away from the main story. 3.5 stars. 

I received an ARC from the Publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.