Title: My Daddy is a Hero: How Chris Watts Went from Family Man to Family Killer
Author: Lena Derhally
Publisher: Self-Published
Release Date: December 9, 2019
Page Count: 376
Rating: 3 stars out of 5
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If you aren't familiar with the Chris Watts case in Colorado, mild-mannered, quiet. helpful Chris strangled his pregnant wife and smothered their two daughters (ages 2 and 4) to be with his new love, Nicole.
Chris really was the guy that everyone liked and no one saw this coming.
The author details the crime and with her background as a psychologist, she tries to determine if Chris is a sociopath, a malignant narcissist, etc. It really is chilling because Chris - up to until 5-6 weeks before the murder - had never exhibited any signs and his wife truly felt they had a great marriage and were in love. But Chris only mimicked emotions and could callously kill his wife, toss her facedown in a shallow grave and stuff his daughters into a remote oil tank. He stated "I felt nothing for my family."
I liked the book but felt there was a lot of repitition in establishing the pyschological explanation for Chris' acts and the author heavily depends on a book called Letters from Christopher: The Tragic Confessions of the Watts Family Murders that, unfortunately, has since been plagued with charges of plagarism from another true crime author. 3 stars.
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