Title: Blood on Their Hands: Murder, Corruption, and the Fall of the Murdaugh Dynasty
Author: Mandy Matney and Carolyn Murnick
Publisher: William Morrow
Release Date: November 14, 2023
Page Count: 272
Rating: 3 stars out of 5
Read book blurb here
Prior to reading Blood on Their Hands, I had no idea who Mandy Matney was, had never heard or listened to her popular podcast. However, I had read several books about the Murdaughs and knew a lot of the basics of the case(s).
My first impression was that the author spent a lot of time establishing her credentials, then continuing to expound on them, to the point where I despaired that she would begin focusing on the Murdaughs. However, as I continued to read, I saw how her skill set and her on-the-ground network was able to provide information that the media was not picking up at the time, or was unwilling to report.
But, if you are expecting a "true crime" book, adjust your expectations. There is little discussion of the background of the Murdaughs and their dubious heritage of influencing the entire Low Country court system. There is no framework in which to place the deeds and actions of the Murdaughs. And, frankly, I grew very tired of the author's constant commentary about how her former bosses held her back, how she wasn't appreciated, etc. At the end of day, this book seemed to me to be more an accounting of those perceived wrongs. 3 stars.
I received an ARC from the Publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.
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